Spring MVC with google chart API less than 1 minute read Good example http://himtech-spring.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/spring-mvc-with-google-chart.html Share on Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Previous Next
C++ - lvalue, rvalue abbreviations less than 1 minute read lvalue: locatable value(addressable value) xvalue: expiring value glvalue: generalizable lvalue, it will be lvalue or xvalue rvalue: not addressable value(no...
C++ - unique_ptr for custom resource less than 1 minute read Using unique_ptr for a custom resource such as opening a file.
C++ - template meta programming less than 1 minute read Please watch the following youtube to understand basic of C++ template meta programming
C++ - virtual destructor disable move semantic less than 1 minute read Declaring virtual destructor will disable move sematic