Compiling open MPI application on Windows
When you compile OpenMPI on Windows, you should define the following preprocessor. OMPI_IMPORTS OPAL_IMPORTS ORTE_IMPORTS Example) c:\>mpicxx test.cpp -DO...
When you compile OpenMPI on Windows, you should define the following preprocessor. OMPI_IMPORTS OPAL_IMPORTS ORTE_IMPORTS Example) c:\>mpicxx test.cpp -DO...
1 2 3 4 5 6 class FileDeleter { void operator()(FILE* fp) { fclose(fp); } }; unique_ptr<FILE, FileDeleter> fp = fopen("blah"); or even unique_ptr<FI...
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database.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver database.url=jdbc\:postgresql\://localhost\:5432/
Fortunately, Spring Security has built-in functionality for remembering the URL that was originally requested, and redirecting your users there after they su...