Rust - Idiomatic Rust API design
Rust is great programming language because of default move semantic and trait system. Idiomatic Rust API is fully utilizing these concept to make it easy to ...
Rust is great programming language because of default move semantic and trait system. Idiomatic Rust API is fully utilizing these concept to make it easy to ...
Adding a git tag with the latest commit date. 1 2 $ GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=$(git log -n1 --pretty=%aD) git tag -a -m "Release 0.0.1" 0.0.1 $ git push --tags
AsRef is useful for generic function on accepting specific reference such as str or Path as trait bounds.
From JDK 11, the following command will start recording JFR 1 $ jcmd [pid] JFR.start duration=60s filename=myrecording.jfr
Rust procedural macros.