C++11 - transporting C++ exceptions between threads
C++11 introduced std::exception_ptr. The main purpose of this class is to allow to tranport C++ exceptions to different threads. in 2012 C++ and Beyond Semin...
C++11 introduced std::exception_ptr. The main purpose of this class is to allow to tranport C++ exceptions to different threads. in 2012 C++ and Beyond Semin...
The following URL is talking about writing exception safe code for C++. http://exceptionsafecode.com/
Microsoft announced the new API for inspection of dump file which is called CLRMD http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dougste/archive/2013/05/04/clrmd-net-crash-dump-and...
It is a good to try to test your C++ knowledge. http://cppquiz.org/